Why Are Women Obsessed with Shoes – An Insight

If you want to see a woman go crazy, then take her to a shoe shop! Long before the Pradas and the Jimmy Choos were founded, women were still obsessed with shoes. The proof of their obsession with shoes is evident through fairy tales like Cinderella which have been going around from one generation to another. In the modern world, while the stats show that women have reduced their purchasing of clothing and other items, the sale of shoes has actually increased; recession or no recession!

“I have enough pair of shoes with me,” said no woman ever!

So, why are these otherwise peaceful creatures so much obsessed with shoes? Why do they have to have at least 3 pairs of black shoes alone? Well, the answer is much deeper. Scientific studies have shown that when a woman buys a pair of shoes, she feels a sudden rush of adrenaline and her excitement level simply increases. Purchasing a shoe becomes more like an elated experience for her.

Scientific studies apart, many women claim that most of the times when they buy shoes they are thinking of getting their wardrobe revamped. They even claim that at times their new dresses remain untouched for even years as they are unable to find a perfect pair of shoes to match with it. But one they do, boy, that dress gets a fresh breath of life.

An expert of Fortune 100 companies claim that the kind of excitement women feel while shoe shopping is incomparable to clothes shopping or bags shopping or any other type of shopping because of the heightened level of excitement they feel. And they actually always justify their shoe shopping adventure by believing that they will be wearing the pair which they have just bought at least two or three times a week; which we all know is not the case most of the times.

However, science also claims that when a woman purchases stilettos or any type of high heels, she feels more powerful. This is because height is naturally associated with power and this is how women experience the kind of power which they have got. History shows that there was a time when heels were only worn by the rich and were actually a tool for measuring the wealth of a person.

And no, it is not just about power. When a woman wears high heels, she feels sexy. And you can bet, there is a scientific explanation to it as well. The part of the brain which controls the feet is situated right next to the part which controls the female genitals; and as a result a neural crosstalk occurs between the two regions. Thus, the association of shoes with sexiness of a woman.

Anyway, whatever the reason is, science has actually justified why we women love buying shoes irrespective of the fact whether they are flats, pumps, wedges or stilettos. So let’s go and shop till we drop (and blame it on science).