How To Apply Easy Eye Makeup


Of all the diverse types of makeup, eye makeup can be the trickiest and time-consuming to do. If you’re just beginning to learn how to use makeup, it’s a good clue to stick to simple, easy styles before trying out more complex ones. Whether you’re applying “no makeup” makeup or else looking glam, easy eye makeup should take a few minutes with a little practice.


Doing Natural-Looking Eye Makeup


Apply Easy Eye Makeup

Brush a neutral eye shadow crossways your eyelid. Load an eyeshadow brush with your makeup of selection and simply swipe it across your whole closed eyelid. Stop just beyond your crease. Stop shimmery eyeshadows if you’re going for a “no makeup” look. Pick a color that is slightly darker or lighter than your natural skin tone. If your skin is dimmer, a lighter eyeshadow usually works best, and vice versa if you’re on the lighter side. If you have medium skin, then you can pick either.



Apply Easy Eye Makeup

Dab a touch of the highlighter at the inner corner of each eye. Choose a very light eyeshadow, such as honey or else white. Casually load a clean eyeshadow brush and touch it to the corner of your eye nearby your tear ducts. This small fact will brighten up your eyes. You can also select to use any other type of powder highlighter for this step. Foundations, concealers, as well as contouring kits, will work here.



Apply Easy Eye Makeup

Blend your eyeshadow. Use a clean eyeshadow brush or the same brush you utilized on your main eyeshadow. Begin from the upper outer corner of your eye where the eyeshadow initiates. Make small, spherical buffing motions across your eye’s crease with the brush. Blending softens harsh lines to generate a more natural look. Well-blended makeup will form a gradient from your lid color to the surrounding skin tone.



Apply Easy Eye Makeup

Put on some refined eyeliner. Apply a thin strip of eyeliner lengthways your upper lashline. For the natural look, evade heavy eyeliner. If your skin and eyes are equally dark, some eyeliner on your lower lashline can look natural. Otherwise, stick to the upper lid only. If you’re a learner and making a straight line is problematic, try to use a kohl pencil rather than liquid or gel liner. Kohl pencils are cooler to smudge and blend. If you have flaxen or red hair, deliberate using a brown or taupe eyeliner. Black eyeliner can stand out too much on the people with lighter hair. If you’re only learning how to do makeup, applying eyeliner can be complicated, especially when you’re trying to make it look natural. Ponder skipping it for now if you have trouble.



Apply Easy Eye Makeup

Finish up with certain light mascara. Brush a single layer on your top lashes. Mascara is much easier to apply also but isn’t vital, especially if you have naturally well-defined eyelashes. Wipe out additional mascara off your brush before applying.

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